WHAT IS CORONAVIRUS   
      Coronavirus is a type of viral disease which spreads from mammals to birds and also in Humans . In Humans the virus causes respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold.   

     The World Health Organisation says the new Coronavirus epidemic is a high global risk but has not declared it as a Public Health Emergency of International concern.The national helpline for information and assistance related to the coronavirus threat is 011-23978046.                         

              SPREAD OF DEADLY CORONAVIRUS                           Coronavirus spreads the same way as other cold causing viruses do.It can infect both animals and humans.In one week,The number of people found infected by a new Coronavirus grew from 332 people in 13 chinese province and four nations to 4474 cases in 30 provinces and 18 countries.Hubei in china was the worst affected province with over 2714 cases and 100 death as of January 27.      S

        SYMPTOMS OF CORONAVIRUS      1. Runny nose.            2. Cough.                    3.Sorethreat.               4. Headache.              5. Fever.                                                          6. Ageneral feeling of being unwell.


  •     1.Maintain good hygiene especially after Coughing Sneezing         or using toilets.                                                                               2.Avoid direct contact with eyes and nose as much as possible.        3.Wear Masks in the heavy crowded area and polluted area.            4.Keep good healthy diets and exercise along with other habits.        5.Maintain good hyginic habits in general to prevent against        CORONAVIRUS.   When coughing and sneezing ,use tissu to cover mouth and nose.

      CURE OF CORONAVIRUS          Researchers on three continents are trying to develop a vaccine for a new and mysterious virus that has already killed more than 130 people in china.                                                       EFFECTS ON WORLD     ECONOMY.
As the death tool from the coronavirus in china keeps rising ,the economist analysist is confused for the impact of Coronavirus on World economy.          Some American companies with a big presence in china are being forced to adapt.Chinas travel restrictions and expanding screening at airport around the world have also hurt business.Brands that are popular in china like Estee lauder,Nike which sells,coach kate are likely to see a dent in earnings,bank analyst said.


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